Cyndi told us about birds making a nest in one of her plants.
"I was watering my hanging flowers on the porch and a bird, one of those little red finches, flew out of one of them. I thought oh no, that's not good. Cute, but they ruin plants and this one was expensive, plus I'd had one like it in Alaska and had been looking for one like it for years. So I didn't want to sacrifice it for a bird's nesting spot."
"I took the plant down and looked at it. There was the most perfect little compact nest. On the bottom there was a price tag, $13.99, neatly molded to the round bottom of the nest. There were grasses, plus a couple of cigarette butts, all fluffed up, but fit smoothly into the sides. You could see vermiculite from potting soil poked in here and there."
"I felt bad, but I took it out because I really did not want that plant ruined!"
"Later I noticed a pair of finches sitting on the trellis by the plant. They were just sitting, side by side, facing the nest for the longest time. It was exactly like they were talking it over. 'No more nest! What'll we do? I don't know, what do you think?' Except they weren't making any noise, just sitting there, looking and looking."
"That evening I looked in the plant. There were two eggs where the nest had been. And I haven't seen them since. I guess they decided, well, it's too late for anything else, you'll just have to lay them there."
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